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NEMOH - Numerical, Experimental and stochastic Modelling of vOlcanic processes and Hazard: an Initial Training Network for the next generation of European volcanologists

Starting date: January, 2012
Length: 4 years

NEMOH is an Initial Training Network under the European Community FP7. The training objective of NEMOH is that of forming the next generation of European volcanologists, capable of extending further the knowledge and understanding of volcano dynamics and the methods and paradigms for volcanic hazard evaluation. Training is conceived to develop in the context of internationally coordinated research structured in closely interconnected research activities.

nemoh logo home originale piccoloThe next generation of European volcanologists must be capable of dealing with the quantitative approaches required by the growing challenges of modern volcano science and hazard forecasting aimed at risk evaluation and management. The NEMOH consortium aims to achieve this, by developing a unified Research Training environment through the integration of Institutions that play a leading European and world-wide role in volcano research, volcanic hazard forecasting, and management of volcanic crises. The objective of NEMOH is to strengthen the scientific basis for understanding (1) the physical mechanisms of volcanic eruptions, (2) the numerical techniques for both the solution of complex space-time-dependent equations that describe the physical processes, and their constrain through inverse modelling of large datasets, and (3) the techniques to deal with the uncertain, stochastic nature of volcanic processes and hazard.

 Training will be embedded in state-of-the-art research in volcanology, and is aimed at Early Stage Researchers (ESR). ESRs will take part in the scientific process of setting up and developing the most advanced experiments and physico-mathematical models in volcanology; will apply them to understand the dynamics and observations at active, potentially dangerous volcanoes; and will take part in the complex and delicate process of volcanic hazard evaluation and forecasting.

The NEMOH network is conceived to provide all appointed ESRs the basic background and knowledge on the experimental and computational resources available or developed within the network, and specific ESRs an advanced knowledge of the methods, tools, and resources that constitute their specific WP. Accordingly, training within NEMOH occurs at two different levels:

  1. Local Training, where individual ESRs are trained at advanced level on the employed methods and techniques;
  2. Network-Wide Training, where both background and advanced training are carried out.

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